Sudan – No Easy Ways Ahead
As the six-year transitional period defined in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement draws to a close, Sudan is sliding into another crisis. The agreement has largely failed to realise democratic transformation and to make the unity of the country attractive. Political tensions in the run-up to the elections this year indicate that older conflicts still persist – a bad sign for the referendum on the future status of South Sudan that is scheduled for January 2011. It is possible and interesting to delineate potential scenarios, and to identify the political options they open up for different actors in Sudan. Anyway, the international community can play a constructive role in facilitating workable post-CPA arrangements.
The Heinrich Böll Foundation, which has been working both with civil society partners in Sudan and on Sudan-related issues in the German context for several years, has put together this publication in order to reflect on such scenarios.
With contributions by Alex de Waal, Atta El-Battahani, Marina Peter, John Yoh, Roland Marchal, and Peter Schumann.
Product details
Date of Publication
April 2010
Number of Pages
Language of publication