
Dialogue and Civic Spaces

MV 2023 Report cover page

Missing voices Annual Report 2023 | End Police Impunity

On Wednesday, April 24th, 2024, the Missing Voices Coalition launched its 2023 Annual Report focused on the theme "End Police Impunity" at the Heinrich Boell Foundation, Nairobi Office. This marks the fourth report and a significant achievement for the Coalition since its inception. The report highlighted several key developments related to discussions on police impunity in the country for the year 2023. One major highlight was the reduction in extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances compared to the previous year. The report detailed a 9.2% decrease in extrajudicial killings, from 130 in 2022 to 118 in 2023, and a 54.5% decrease in enforced disappearances, from 22 in 2022 to 10 in 2023.
MV  report 2022

Missing Voices 2022 annual report : Accountability Now

The 2022 report was launched on Friday 24th March 2023 , held in Yala, marked the launch of the Accountability report, shedding light on the Statistics and Trends of Extrajudicial Killings and Enforced Disappearances in the country. The launch included a panel discussion by partners and keynote addresses by distinguished guests that include Ambassadors from Germany, Britain, the United States, and the European Union.

Pandemic policing accessibility of COVID-19 prevention measures in Kenya’s urban informal settlements

Research Paper
This paper seeks to explore the topographies of abandonment and pandemic policing in Kenya’s urban-informal settlements. Through a connection of spatial territories1, I explore the continuation of the colonial era divide and rule tactics to govern what seems as Kenya’s fragmented regions through the duration of the government COVID-19 combatting mechanisms. Through ethnographic research, this paper tries to connect the struggles of Kenya’s poor urban populations secluded in ‘slum areas’ on their daily quest for survival by engaging in a fight against a pandemic and state violence. Notwithstanding the daily denials of basic needs and priorities by both government and potential de facto urban management.

Gender Democracy

: Decentralization and inclusion in Kenya: From pre-colonial times to the first decade of devolution.

Decentralization and inclusion in Kenya

Kabarak University and Heinrich Boell Foundation published a book dubbed “Decentralisation and inclusion in Kenya: From pre-colonial times to the first decade of devolution”. The publication is a result of a research that evaluated the first era of devolution (2012 – 2022). The critical focus on devolution and its impact on minority groups.
No Roses From My Mouth Cover Page

No Roses From My Mouth:Poems From Prison By Stella Nyanzi

New Book
Stella Nyanzi’s No Roses From My Mouth includes 159 poems written in 2019 and 2020 from Luzira Women’s Prison in Kampala, Uganda during a trial and serving time for cyber-harassing and offending the President of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in a poem where she uses his dead mother’s vagina as an image to comment on her son’s "oppression, suppression and repression" of Ugandans. This poetry collection includes poems "written by an activist who uses the space of incarceration and the time of detention to reflect on the conditions of being incarcerated itself", the position of the woman in society, and the political conditions of the Ugandan state.
The Role of Patriarchy in the Roll-back of Democracy

Challenging Patriarchy

New Publication
This publication not only highlight regression in the various thematic spaces; reproductive health, religion, media, social and political movements as well as the state of constitutionalism, but also recommend interventions and concepts that can gear states towards an inclusive democracy.

Food Rights

Cha Kula Issue 7

Cha Kula Issue 7 | Rotten

Inspired by the Netflix documentary Rotten, this issue of Cha Kula by the Route to Food Initiative, highlights the absurdities in our food systems in Kenya, both historically and in the contemporary moment. Cha Kula is a bi-annual publication that gives prominence to food as a political issue in Kenya. It calls into question the power dynamics that dominate our food system, which determines who eats, what they eat and who goes hungry. 
cover page background paper soil and health

Rethinking Agriculture: Soil Health for Sustainable Farming in Africa

This background paper Rethinking Agriculture: Soil Health for Sustainable Farming in Africa explores the importance of soil health and the need to a shift away from sole reliance on synthetic fertilizers remains an imperative discourse for sustainable agriculture in Africa. This paper was produced in collaboration with the Heinrich Boell Berlin Office and African offices in Nairobi, Abuja, and South Africa.
HHP Cover page

Toxic Business | Highly Hazardous Pesticides in Kenya

The report “Toxic Business; Highly Hazardous Pesticides in Kenya” presents analyses on actual data of pesticides used in 2020 in Kenya. It shows that immediate action is necessary to protect human health, the environment, and the right to healthy food in Kenya.

Sustainable Development

Choices, Challenges and Dilemmas in Tanzania’s Energy System

Choices, Challenges and Dilemmas in Tanzania’s Energy System

Reserch paper
This context paper captures diverse perspectives from a consultation held in Dar es Salaam in December 2023. The paper outlines Tanzania's current energy mix and the energy choices facing its society. It also addresses energy investments aimed at reducing energy poverty and improving the well-being of Tanzanian citizens. Additionally, the paper discusses the consequences of today's energy choices and outlines a research agenda, highlighting key thematic areas and energy topics that require thorough investigation for the Sustainable Energy Futures Tanzania Report.
Policy Brief | Regulation of hazardous chemicals

Regulation of hazardous chemicals in plastic products is urgently needed in Kenya

Chemicals in products have continued to expose humans and the environment to their negative impacts. Evidence from analysis of recycled plastic products sampled from markets in Kenya and other parts of the world has revealed high levels of POPs in recycled products including children’s toys. This is exacerbated by weaknesses in the legal frameworks, the limited capacity of countries to screen imports for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and lack of transparency and traceability mechanisms for chemicals in products. To reduce exposure to these chemicals in Kenya, there is need to regulate the use of plastic products treated with chemicals and set stringent limits for POPs in products and wastes. Furthermore, there is need to strengthen the capacity to manage chemicals in products including capacity for screen of imports. Lastly, the government should take lead in pushing for adequate measures to eliminate toxics in plastics in the ongoing plastic treaty negotiations to support non- toxic circular economy. This policy brief is intended for policy and decision makers in the national and county governments, particularly in the ministries of health, environment, labor and trade, as well as regulatory agencies such as the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) and the Kenya Bureau of Standards.

Combatting Global Plastic Pollution

A critical look at the entire plastics cycle is also of crucial importance from a feminist perspective, because the plastic problem cannot simply be reduced to consumer use patterns or to harmful microplastics in cosmetic products. On the contrary, every stage of the plastics cycle reflects different gender-specific experiences and exposures.