Endorse the Fossil Fuel non-proliferation Treaty

Call to Action

The world is on track to produce more than twice as much coal, oil and gas by 2030 than is consistent with limiting the rise in global temperature to below 1.5C, according to the United Nations and other organizations. An immediate end to exploration and expansion into new reserves is needed to prevent the proliferation of unnecessary and unburnable fossil fuels, to protect workers, communities and investments from becoming stranded, and to avoid locking the world into catastrophic and irreversible climate disruption.

Reading time: 3 minutes
Fossil Fuel

Climate change, like nuclear weapons, is a major global threat.

Bold and immediate action is needed to address the climate emergency.

The main cause of the climate emergency is fossil fuels. Coal, oil and gas are responsible for almost 80% of all carbon dioxide emissions since the industrial revolution.

Phasing-out fossil fuel production, and fast-tracking progress towards safer and more cost-effective solutions, will require unprecedented international cooperation in three main areas.


Preventing the proliferation of coal, oil and gas by ending all new exploration and production

The world is on track to produce more than twice as much coal, oil and gas by 2030 than is consistent with limiting the rise in global temperature to below 1.5C, according to the United Nations and other organizations. An immediate end to exploration and expansion into new reserves is needed to prevent the proliferation of unnecessary and unburnable fossil fuels, to protect workers, communities and investments from becoming stranded, and to avoid locking the world into catastrophic and irreversible climate disruption.

Global Disarmament

Phasing-out existing stockpiles and production of fossil fuels in line with the 1.5C global climate goal

The world’s oil and gas fields and coal mines contain enough carbon to push the world beyond the Paris Agreement’s temperature limits. Phasing-out fossil fuel production must start by regulating fossil fuel supply, limiting extraction, removing subsidies for production, dismantling unnecessary infrastructure, defending the rights of Indigenous Peoples and impacted communities, and shifting support to safer alternatives, in order to align fossil fuel supply with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Peaceful Transition

Fast-tracking real solutions and a just transition for every worker, community and country

The scale of the challenge demands urgent collective action. A peaceful and just transition calls for a clear path and a proactive plan to enable economic diversification, implement renewable energy and other reliable, cost-effective low-carbon solutions, and to support every worker, community and country. We can either intentionally develop new ways to meet our needs or lose the window of opportunity to ensure a safe climate, healthy economy and sustainable future.

The world is beginning to recognize that unprecedented levels of international cooperation will be required to prevent the proliferation of fossil fuels, to phase-out existing stockpiles and infrastructure, and to fast-track a just and peaceful transition to safer and cleaner alternatives. 

Introducing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty - Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative

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Just as fifty years ago the world needed a treaty to defuse the threats posed by weapons of mass destruction, the world today needs a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. Endorse the Fossil Fuel non-Proliferation Treaty today!

This article first published on the  Fossil Fuel Treaty campaign website.