New Publication

People and Power: Stories of Small Scale Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs in Kenya

​"People and Power: Stories of Small Scale Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs in Kenya” documents 11 renewable energy projects to highlight how decentralised renewable energy is empowering people across the country, and especially in rural areas which rely heavily on biomass energy sources due to the lack of grid connections. The 11 case studies of renewable energy success stories spread across the country and provide insights on how communities, civil society and specific individuals have used decentralized renewable energy to energize and empower their lives, the struggles they have faced and the lessons they can share. It further interrogates how successful uptake of decentralized renewable energy has provided social empowerment to the people and improved the livelihoods of the said communities.

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Product details
Date of Publication
July 2018
Heinrich Boell Stiftung
Number of Pages
Language of publication