Im April 2015 gab die Regierungspartei Burundis bekannt, dass Präsident Pierre Nkurunziza für eine dritte Amtszeit kandidieren werde. Zahlreiche Proteste der Bürgerinnen und Bürger waren die Folge. Seither versucht die Regierung die Zivilgesellschaft mit Gewalt einzuschüchtern. Das E-Paper fasst die Ereignisse zusammen und erklärt die Hintergründe der Krise in Burundi.
In post-war periods and in the aftermath of serious, systematic human rights violations, gender-based forms of violence are usually forgotten during the processing of the past and reconciliation phase. Yet, only when they are paid due regard can lasting peace processes be established. Given this, it is important to subject transitional justice institutions and approaches to a detailed review. The results: until now, transitional justice has, in many places, failed to address the gender dimensions but increasingly so the issues of inequality, hierarchies and violence patterns.
This study details these problems and presents the resulting challenges facing politicians and society.
What are best practices in the complex process of promoting gender equality and the advancement of women envisioned in key human rights instruments, or in significant intergovernmental agreements like the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action?