Gender Forum

: Decentralization and inclusion in Kenya: From pre-colonial times to the first decade of devolution.

Decentralization and inclusion in Kenya

Published: 25 January 2023
Kabarak University and Heinrich Boell Foundation published a book dubbed “Decentralisation and inclusion in Kenya: From pre-colonial times to the first decade of devolution”. The publication is a result of a research that evaluated the first era of devolution (2012 – 2022). The critical focus on devolution and its impact on minority groups.

Perspectives on Gender Discourse: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation, 6/08

Published: 1 March 2009
Despite much rhetoric about gender equity, the role of women in Kenyan electoral politics remains dismally low – even by standards of the East African region. The sixth edition of "Perspectives on Gender Discourse", emerging from discussions held at HBS Nairobi's "Gender Forum" in the run-up to the last general elections, takes a closer look at women’s political practice in Kenya from diverse perspectives.