Plastic bags menace: what are the alternatives? Article The 2017 ban on plastics is yielding positive results in the form a cleaner environment. However, the search for environmentally-friendly and affordable alternatives to plastic carrier bags is still on. By Geoffrey Odhiambo Onyango
Kenya should lead the way in ending plastic pollution in Africa Press release The Heinrich Böll Stiftung (hbs) has unveiled a campaign aimed at fostering dialogue to end plastic pollution in the country as stakeholders call on the government to put up stringent measures to end plastic pollution in the country.
A World without Plastic Pollution Is Possible - A Book for Teens Informs and Guides on Plastic Prese Release Today, the Heinrich Böll Foundation is publishing the digital non-fiction book Unpacked! Plastic, Waste, and Me.
Plastic Atlas demonstrates scale of plastic pollution crisis and solutions for a zero waste future New Publication A world without plastic pollution is a vision worth fighting for. The Plastic Atlas provides facts and figures about a world full of plastics.