Öl-Pipeline EACOP: Uganda, Tansania und Total Energies wollen umstrittenes Mega-Projekt starten Published: 19 September 2022 Hintergrund Eine Resolution des EU-Parlaments Mitte September fordert die internationale Gemeinschaft auf, den Bau der umstrittenen Ölpipeline EACOP in Ostafrika in letzter Minute zu stoppen. Vorangegangen waren Jahre zivilgesellschaftlichen Widerstandes. Zu viel stehe für die Natur und Bevölkerungen auf dem Spiel. By Adrian Amann
Kenyan Court Order Compensation for Slum Residents over Lead Poisoning Published: 22 July 2020 Article The Environment Court in Mombasa has awarded Sh1.3 billion damages to 3,000 residents of Owino Uhuru slum, who filed a Class Action Suit over lead poisoning.
Civil society reiterates call for a ban on geoengineering Published: 19 March 2019 Article Geoengineering is an ineffective and irresponsible approach to the challenges posed by climate change. Its risks and potential impacts are global and extend far beyond the climate discussion. All of the proposed technologies carry large-scale risks for biodiversity, ecosystems, food security, human rights, health and democracy. It creates new threats to peace and security at the national, regional and global scales, both through the unintended but foreseeable exacerbation of underlying conflicts and through the potential for weaponization of geoengineering technologies. And it would further entrench our dependence on a fossil fuel economy.
Roads to Justice: The Impacts of Road Construction in Northern Kenya Published: 7 September 2016 This article looks at the current road infrastructure development in Northern Kenya. It demonstrates numerous instances of non-compliance with national laws, provisions of the environmental management plan and environmental impact assessment license, and illustrates the grave ways that the local community is being impacted by these violations. It points out the need to adhere to the rule of law, which is there to protect rather than deprive us of a prosperous nation.
Introduction to Inside the Green Economy Published: 30 June 2016 Green Economy is a source of both hope and controversy. For some, it points the way out of permanent environmental and economic crises and promises to reconcile – a long cherished Utopia – ecology and economics. It fosters the hope that we can hang on to our current high standard of material prosperity.
Memorandum: Resource Politics for a Fair Future Published: 5 June 2014 From the extraction of tar sands in North America to large-scale land purchases in Africa and from China’s investment in the Mekong region to mining and soya production in Latin America – the global resources bonanza is a fact. But all this use of natural resources doesn’t respect the ecological limits of our world and it doesn’t result in a fair distribution of the profits.
Roadmap to Prosperity through Sustainable Natural Resources Management in the East and Horn of Africa Published: 5 November 2013 In the Horn and East African region many conflicts arise over natural resources at community and even national level. Find here the Essay of the East and Horn of African Delegates.
Future Workshop on Resources in East and Horn of Africa Published: 26 March 2013 The Future Workshop enabled young people identify topics and innovative approaches with regard to resource policy in three phases.