Heinrich Böll Stiftung Nairobi Office in collaboration with the deCOALonize campaign is pleased to finally release the Kenya Coal Report 2021. The report provides information for policymakers, civil societies, community members, and others interested in Coal Power exploration and production in Kenya.
With this edition of Perspectives, the Heinrich Böll Foundation explores some of the approaches and instruments that communities and their NGO partners have developed to create room for community-centred stakeholder participation, and to champion community interests and rights.
PIDA, the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa, is poised to be a game changer for the transformation of Africa. This publication describes PIDA's plan to double levels of investment in energy, water, and transportation mega-projects and the opportunities and risks these projects present, asking the big question: will PIDA accelerate the colonial patterns of resource extraction or foster the economic diversification required for Africa to prosper?
How could a just and democratic resource politics look like that respects both planetary boundaries and human rights? The Memorandum “Resource Politics for a Fair Future” is the outcome of a two-year international dialogue process of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung.